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Why not try iStick 100W Mod ?

There is been said that vaping is a threat to children and teens. This comes from anti-smoking groups and legislators assuming that children will be attracted to electronic gadgets and candy flavored liquids, and kids can easily buy them online. The truth is that buying electronic cigarettes are all that easy to do, since buying online requires a credit card. HOWEVER, children don't have access to credit cards at all since credit card companies require the minimum of 18 years of age to apply for one. Secondly, you've to be over the age of 18 and some sites even 21 in order to even purchase from them. In fact, according to a survey in this industry, it was revealed that the average consumer is between 30-50 years old. That tells us that young adults aren't the main consumers when it comes to vaping. And third, it's not that cheap in the short-run. For example, the average price for a starter kit can range easily over $25 including shipping and taxes. The price is even higher if you buy it at a kiosk at the mall.

As a matter of fact , vaping is better than smoking , that is be proved by many studies , and if your friend use it , they will know that , Eleaf iStick 100W Mod will be a good choice for you !

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