Vapefly Galaxies MTL Squonk RDTA Deal
Vapefly Galaxies MTL Squonk RDTA is a unique single coil rebuildable tank with the outstanding performance and great flavor.
It features 360° surrounding airflow and super assembles chamber with 2ml e-juice capacity. It supports top-filling and bottom feeding.
The spring-loaded filling port can make filling much easier. With the anti-heat structure design, you can enjoy vaping without leaking problems.
Diameter: 22.2mm
E-liquid Capacity: 2ml
Material: Stainless Steel
Height without drip: 28.5mm
Material of drip tip: Delrin, PMMA
Coil type: Single Coil
Thread: 510 thread
Deal tip: Longin and order Galaxies MTL Squonk RDTA at sourcemroe store to get the best price!
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